
Coolant Reservoir
Coolant is a potent and
extremely poisonous
solution to humans and
animals. Use personal
protective equipment
when handling coolant
to prevent infections or
    
     
Checking/Adding Coolant
Tools Needed Qty
 
To check/add coolant:
1. 
2.    
        
3. 
4. 
Running the coolant pump without adequate
coolant in the reservoir may permanently
damage the coolant pump motor. This is
considered abuse and is not covered by the
The coolant reservoir on this mill is designed
to store only coolant. During storage some
fluids grow dangerous microbes, or, due
to the collection of toxic metal chips in the
fluid, the fluid can become a potent and
extremely poisonous solution to humans
and animals.
Use the correct personal protection equip-
ment when handling coolant to prevent
infections and poisoning.
Follow Federal, State, and the coolant manu-
facturer's requirements to properly dispose
of used coolant.