
Model H7790/H7791 Laminate Trim Router-14-
Template Guide
The template guide allows the router to
follow a template or pattern. This setup
is necessary when routing interior slots
where a bit with a guide bearing will not
To install the template guide:
1. Remove the screws securing the bot-
tom of the router base as shown in
Figure 10.
Figure 10. Installing the template guide.
Figure 11. Router bit installed through the
template guide.
2. Set the template guide into the groove
in the upper portion of the router base
and re-install the bottom portion of the
router base.
3. Install a router bit that has a diameter of
4" or less (see Figure 11).
Guidelines for building the template:
1. MDF is the most common template
material, but the template can be made
out of any material that is flat on the top
and bottom, and is at least
16" thick.
2. Take into account the diameter of the
template guide when calculating the
size of the template. The diameter of
the bushing (X in Figure 12), minus the
diameter of the router bit (R), divided
by 2, gives you the template offset as
shown in Figure 13.
Figure 12. Calculating template offset.
Figure 13. Using the template guide.
3. Attach the template to the workpiece
with screws or other removable fas-
teners. Make sure the fasteners are
installed in areas where the router bit
will not cut and recessed so the router
base will not catch on the fastener.
Using the template guide:
1. Use a bandsaw to remove excess
wood around the template.
2. Press the template guide into the tem-
plate and follow the edge.