Green Water………………………..
1. Usually occurs the first few days of operation; media is being rinsed.
Drain reservoir and refill with fresh water. After a couple of
operations, green should disappear. The 3 to 6 percent bleed-off, for
standard units, will maintain your clear water also.
2. If unit has been in service for a while, algae can grow on the media.
It will not cause deterioration or rot, but may clog the passages and
inhibit the air flow. A commercial algaecide will control the growth
when caught in the early stages.
Foaming Occurs…………………..
1. Some foaming is natural if maintained in the reservoir. If foaming of
the medial occurs after a couple of days of operation, a defoamer
should be added. The exact amount will depend on the severity.
After one application, you will be able to judge how much additional
defoamer to use (see instructions on bottle).
Scaling Occurs…………………….
1. Be sure you have a 3 to 6 percent bleed-off rate (See “Bleed Off
Flow Rates.”) for unit size. If the frost-like scale does appear,
increase water flow by adjusting pump discharge gate valve until it
disappears. The exact amount will depend upon the pH and
hardness of the water and the intensity of evaporation. Clean and
flush distribution header on a regular basis.
Water depositing into Transition
and Reservoir Not Draining……..
1. Reservoir float valve (FV) improperly adjusted (See “Installation
Instructions,” note 4.)
2. Float valve bad, not shutting off. Replace.
3. Check overflow and drain valves for blockage. On models with timed
drain valve, check time clock setting or solenoid valve (DV). Replace
if bad.
4. After initial start-up, look for foaming of the media. If the blower is
pulling foam bubbles off the media into transition, a static pressure or
CFM problem is eminent. (Contact your service or unit
Reservoir Dry………………………
1. Check the manual shut-off valve. Is it open?
2. Is the float valve opening? If not, then readjust float level or replace
3. Units with conservation water solenoid should be checked. Replace
if bad.
1. Water pump is running without the blower running.
Water Out the Backside of
Evaporative Cooler………………..
Damaged media. Replace.
3. If these problems, contact your service or unit representatives:
A. Lack of CFM.
B. Improper static pressure.
P.O. Box 669 · Hastings, Nebraska 68902-0669
Phone (402) 463-9821 · Fax (402) 462-8006
E-mail: sales@hastingshvac.com