ConsolesConsole AccessoriesTrak-MountsComputer MountsRadio Trays
Equipment Brackets
and Filler Plates
Equipment List Abbreviations (EBxx-xxx-1P) 1 Piece Bracket
(c) Control head
(cb) Citizen’s band radio
(ch) Charger
(d) Control head- amp detached
(eb) Equipment bracket
(fp) Filler plate
(mc) Micro Com Series siren
(ms) Master Com Series siren
(mr) Mobile radio
(p) Pack or siren
(r) Radio
(ra) Radar Control head
(ro) Remote head only
(s) Siren
(sc) Self-contained
(sh) With scan head
(sm) Smart siren
(sp) Switch panel
(sr) Scanner
(ss) Series of sirens
(sx) Siren with extra switch pack
(tr) Vehicle tracking device
(wp) With one (1) HLN Switch
Contact us at:
Ph: 800.524.9900 or 215.957.0720 Fax: 215.957.0729
E-mail: sales@havis.com Web: www.havis.com
WS2100 (s) C-EB25-131 C-EB30-MGC-1P
WS224 (s) C-EB30-227-1P
WS227 (s) C-EB30-227-1P
WS227A (s) C-EM40-227-1P
WS227AE (s) C-EB40-227-1P
WS295MPS3 (s) C-EB25-131
WS295MPS9 (s) C-EB30-131
WS310PA (s) C-EB20-WS3-1P
Yaesu Refer to Vertex Standard
Ace K9 Hot-N-Pop model
(c) C-EB35-RHP-1P
Ace K9 Hot-N-Pop model
(c) C-EB55-RHP-1P
Bendix King EMH C-EB25-131
Bendix King GMH (r) C-EB25-131
Brooking Industries BR960 (sp) C-EB25-125
Carson Siren SC-407-10 14 (s) C-EB30-125
Carson SC-409 (s) C-EB30-SC4 C-EB35-SC4-1P
Cherokee CM10 (cb) C-EB20-137
Colt Z28 (sr) C-EB15-156
Crown Vic Radio Replace-
Decatur Genesis 1 C-EB15-DGV
Decatur Radar Control (c) C-EB40-DRC-1P
Digitcom PM-825N C-EB25-068
Emtrac Traffic Pre-empt (ra) C-EB30-100
Fujitsu Ten Radio C-EB30-100
Fujitsu Ten UHF-VHF
Kussmaul Hi-Idl C-EB25-KVM-3P
Kustom Eagle Plus C-EB20-106
Kustom Eyewitness - Video (c) C-EB25-106
Kustom Eyewitness - Video
Kustom Pro 1000 Radar (N8) (ra) Refer to Note 8
Kustom Pro 1000DS
(downsized model
(ra) C-EB20-106
Kustom Pro 2000DS (ra) C-EB20-106
Kustom Watch Com C-EB40-KWM
Lo-Jack PTC3 (tr) C-EB35-PTC-1P
Lo-Jack TRD (tr) C-EB30-TRD
Lund Ind. SFH-100CH (s) C-EB25-LSF-1P
Magtech 21040082 mag-
netic card reader
Maxon SM4150M (r) C-EB20-131
Mobile Vision System 5
- Video control head
Mobile Vision System 7
- Video control head
Mobile Vision Flashback C-EB25-081
MPH Model 36 Radar (ra) C-EB30-106
Newmetrics 9 Star DMI (c) C-EB25-DMI-1P
Octagon SMV2516B C-EB25-OCT
Patco Tracker C-EB20-PTR
Radio Shack TRC-481 C-EB20-162
Radio Shack TRC-483 (cb) C-EB20-143
Radiotronics K9 - Lifeguard (c) C-EB40-281
Rayline Spotlin C-EB40-RCS-1P
Scanfare M8-HL4 C-EB15-181
Smith & Wesson 800PC (s) C-EB25-118
Sony FDM-402A (horiz.) C-EB50-SNY
Sony FDM-402A (vert.) C-EB85-SNY
Sound Off ETM Traffic
Stalker Dual by Allied
(ra) C-EB20-150
Starlite (c) C-EB40-106
Super Star 120 (cb) C-EB15-175
Superturbo (Galls T-AP044) (sr) C-EB20-168
Tele Tec Omni (r) C-EB25-068
Unistar LCS800-F (c) C-EB50-LCS-1P
Unistar LCS850-F (c) C-EB50-LCS-1P
Vascar Head C-EB40-087
Vascar Plus C-EB30-VCP
Note Explanation
N1 Side switches must be moved
N3 Installer to drill mount holes
N5 Midland radios have 3 different styles; Syntec I (one or two
piece), Syntec II (one or two-piece), and Syntec XTR. Syntec
XTR has two different size one-piece control heads, and one two-
piece head. Please specify which style.
N8 Too wide to fit inside standard console; mounts externally.
N10 Combo bracket for 2 heads.
N11 The C-EB40-MA9 allows access for control head on/off switch.
C-EB35-MA9 and C-EB40-MA9-1P do NOT allow for control head
on/off switch.
N12 Thin, flat clamshell-style control heads like Motorola A-3, or GE
Ranger S-550 have round knobs which require access to both the
top and bottom of the control face. The wire harness comes out
of the top back portion of the head. Recess mounting this type
of control head won’t let you see it easily. Our brackets hold the
control head up and out from the console approx. 1-1/2, allowing
the knobs to be used, and the numbers on the control face to be
visible to the driver.
Manufacturer/Model Abbrev. 2-Piece bracket 1-Piece bracket Manufacturer/Model Abbrev. 2-Piece bracket 1-Piece bracket