3/8” x 2” Hex head
bolt, washers, and nut
On the Rear doorframe, remove the
sheet metal screws installed earlier. Drill
3/8” holes through the doorframe, floor,
and vehicle. Attach using 3/8” x 2” hex
head bolts, washers, fender washers, lock
washers, and hex nuts.
Item #6 to van floor
On 3
Compartment Doorframe repeat the same steps done on Rear Doorframe. Only one bolt
is used and must be located just to the left of the doors hinge as shown above.
Item #11 to van floor
Item #11 to van floor
Attach the doorframe to the
vehicle using #10 x 1” Phillips
pan head sheet metal screws
Item #11
Secure the Front Bulkhead. Drill (2-
one per-side) 3/8” holes through the
frame, ½” plywood, and floor of vehicle
Attach using 3/8” x 2” hex head bolt,
flat washer, fender washer, and nut.
3/8” x 2” hex head bolt, flat washer,
fender washer, lock washer, and nut
Item #3 to van floor
Place 3
Compartment Floor
Pre-drill diamond plate floor
(only) and attach using #10 x 1”
Phillips pan head sheet metal
screws. (Approx. 10)
Item #13