Deployment tasks 21
Example: miniroot preparation
The following procedure is an example of a miniroot preparation for ProLiant servers.
1. Unpack the stock Solaris miniroot:
# /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive unpack .../boot/x86.miniroot \
> /var/tmp/mr
The miniroot is expanded under /var/tmp/mr.
2. Install the Smart Array driver into the miniroot, as described in the HP Smart Array Controller Driver
for Solaris 10 User Guide at ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softlib2/software1/pubsw-windows/
. However, do not repack
the miniroot at this time.
3. Install the Broadcom NetXtreme II driver into the miniroot:
# cd /var/tmp
# gunzip -c .../BRCMbnx-3.5.1-solaris10-i386.tar.gz | tar vxf -
# cd BRCMbnx-3.5.1-solaris10-i386/bnx
# pkgadd -R /var/tmp/mr -d ‘pwd‘/BRCMbnx.pkg BRCMbnx
4. For Rapid Deployment Pack or custom ISO images, install the HPQnetstrategy package:
# cd /var/tmp
# gunzip -c .../HPQdeploykit-1.0.0-solaris10-i386.tar.gz | tar vxf -
# cd HPQdeploykit-1.0.0-solaris10-i386/tools
# pkgadd -R /var/tmp/mr -d ‘pwd‘/HPQnetstrategy.pkg HPQnetstrategy
5. Repack the miniroot:
# cd /var/tmp
# /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive pack /var/tmp/x86.miniroot.proliant \
> /var/tmp/mr
The new miniroot /var/tmp/x86.miniroot.proliant is now ready for use with ProLiant