Installing and Starting the HP-UX AAA Server
UnInstalling the HP-UX AAA Server Software
Chapter 230
UnInstalling the HP-UX AAA Server Software
Use the following steps to uninstall the HP-UX AAA Server:
Step 1. Select Administration in the Navigation Tree. Verify the AAA server you want to
stop is selected in the Server Status Frame. Click the Stop button to stop the server.
Step 2. From the command line, stop the RMI objects and Tomcat. Refer to “Starting and
Stopping the RMI Objects” and “Starting and Stopping Tomcat” on page 22 for more
NOTE You may have to enter the following command if you have not
already: # export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java1.4
Step 3. Stop the db_srv server if it is running. Use the following command to determine if
db_srv is running: $ ps -ef |grep db_srv
You can stop db_srv servers with the /opt/aaa/bin/stop_db_srv.sh script.
Step 4. Remove all files residing in the /var/opt/aaa/ and
/opt/hpws/tomcat/webapps/aaa/aaalog/ subdirectories.
Logout anyone using HP-UX AAA Server administrator login “aaa”.
Step 5. As root user, enter “swremove T1428AA” or “swremove” at the command prompt to
invoke the standard HP-UX GUI to select T1428AA bundle for removal. See the
swremove man page for more information on this command.