2-6 Removal and Replacement HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Figure 2-4. Installing a Hard Drive in the Case
Reassembly Notes
• Use a HDD case kit that is compatible with the thickness of the drive, 9.7 mm or 12.7 mm.
• OmniBook 2100/3100: The hard drive in an OmniBook 2100 or 3100 must have a metal
shield. If an older HDD case kit does not have this part, get a newer HDD kit.
• Do not cover the vent hole in the top surface of the hard drive or in the case. If you cover the
hole, the hard drive could fail prematurely.
• Depending on the manufacturer of the replacement drive, the hole placement for the four screws
may vary.
If you are installing a new hard drive, you should create a Hibernate partition on the drive before
loading any software—see the steps below.
Creating a Hibernate Partition
1. If you do not have an OmniBook Recovery CD and internal CD-ROM module for the computer
model you are repairing, create a Support Utility floppy disk now.
After inserting a formatted floppy disk in the floppy drive, do one of the following:
On a factory software installation, click Start, Programs, OmniBook, Create Support Utility
On any computer that has a CD-ROM drive, run makesupp from the
\Omnibook\Drivers\Hputils directory on the OmniBook Recovery CD.
On any computer with World Wide Web access, download the Support Utility software
package from the OmniBook website (see page vi). Follow the instructions provided.
2. Insert the Recovery CD in the CD-ROM drive—or insert the Support Utility disk in the floppy
3. Reboot the computer. If you are using the Recovery CD, press ESC during reboot if the
OmniBook screen appears, ESC to display the boot-device menu, then select the CD-ROM drive
as the boot device.
HDD Case (Kit)
(includes M3×5mm screws)
You must install a metal shield
on an OmniBook 2100 or 3100.
The OmniBook 3000 does not
require a shield.