
Item Description Spare part number
For use in Belgium 656763-A41
For use in the Czech Republic and Slovakia 656763-FL1
For use in Denmark, Finland, and Norway 656763-DH1
For use in France 656763-051
For use in French Canada 656763-121
For use in Germany 656763-041
For use in Greece 656763-DJ1
For use in Hungary 656763-211
For use internationally 656763-B31
For use in Israel 656763-BB1
For use in Italy 656763-061
For use in Latin America 656763-161
For use in Portugal 656763-131
For use in Russia 656763-251
For use in Saudi Arabia 656763-171
For use in Slovenia 656763-BA1
For use in Spain 656763-071
For use in Switzerland 656763-BG1
For use in Turkey 656763-141
For use in the United Kingdom 656763-031
For use in the United States 656763-001
(3) Top cover (includes TouchPad board and bracket)
Charcoal 650747-001
Crimson Red 650752-001
Luminous Rose 650751-001
Ocean Drive 650748-001
Sweet Purple 654204-001
(4) System board (includes processor and replacement thermal material)
Intel® Atom™ N455 single-core, 1.66 GHz processor, 512 KB level 2 cache, 667 MHz
front-side bus (FSB)
Intel® Atom™ N475 single-core, 1.83 GHz processor, 512 KB level 2 cache, 667 MHz
Intel® Atom™ N570 dual-core, 1.66 GHz processor, 1 MB level 2 cache, 667 MHz FSB 650739-001
Intel® Atom™ N455 single-core, 1.66 GHz processor, 512 KB level 2 cache, 667 MHz
Computer major components 17