
ENWW Index 145
status, viewing with embedded Web server 60
troubleshooting 91
Neutral Grays options 52
noise specifications 115
non-HP print cartridges 103
nonvolatile memory (NVRAM) errors 78
not printing, troubleshooting 90, 93
N-up printing 40
NVRAM (nonvolatile memory) errors 78
on/off switch 13
online customer support 3
online Help
printer drivers 37
on-site service agreements 108, 118
operating environment, specifications 115
operating systems supported 17
optional tray 2. See tray 2
optional tray 3. See tray 3
options. See settings
ordering supplies and accessories 3, 24
OS/2 support 17
output bins
features 11
jams, clearing 69
locating 13
selecting 42
troubleshooting curl 94
output quality
HP ImageREt 2400 50
settings 41
specifications 11
troubleshooting 80
overhead transparencies
printing 45
specifications 125, 132
ozone specifications 116
packaging printer 110
Page Setup 34
page skew, troubleshooting 85
pages per minute 11
pages per sheet 40
cardstock 46
custom-sized 39, 46
first page, different 41
HP, ordering 25
jams 66
letterhead 47
loading trays 31
long 31
output options 42
selecting 30, 124
sizes and types supported 29
specifications 127
tray 1, types supported 125
tray 2, types supported 126
tray 3, types supported 126
troubleshooting 128
usage page 61
paper input trays
configuring 60
default 28
features 11
included 10
jams, clearing 68
loading 31
locating 13
media supported 29, 125
ordering 3
part numbers 24, 25
selecting 34, 38
troubleshooting 92
paper output bins
features 11
jams, clearing 69
locating 13
selecting 42
troubleshooting curl 94
parallel cables, ordering 3, 24
parallel port
connecting to 14
locating 13
type included 11
ordering 3
part numbers 24
user replaceable 25
passwords, network 61
paused printing 16
PCL drivers
backward compatibility 18
features 11
operating systems supported 17
settings 38
PDEs, Macintosh 20
permanent storage 78
errors 78
features 11
phone numbers
HP fraud hotline 103
HP Printing Supplies Returns and Recycling Program 117
support 3
pick-up rollers, ordering 25
platforms supported 17
cables, ordering 24
connecting to 14
locating 13
troubleshooting 93, 98
types included 11
driver settings 38
errors 96
features 11
operating systems supported 17
consumption 116
requirements 114
switch 13
troubleshooting 90
PPDs, Macintosh 20
preprinted paper
output path 42
printing on 47
specifications 128
print cartridges
empty or missing, light messages 73
HP fraud hotline 103
life expectancy 101
low 72
non-HP 74
ordering 3
part numbers 24
recycling 117
replacing 102
status lights 15, 72