
Product Specifications
Industry Standard NPIV
The Virtual Connect Fibre Channel module works by aggregating
multiple FC HBA ports over a single N-port uplink through the use of
N_port_ID virtualization (NPIV). NPIV allows multiple distinguishable
identities (multiple port WWNs and port IDs) over a single N-port
connection. Most Fibre Channel SAN switch vendors have support for
NPIV in their latest firmware release. By conforming to the NPIV
standard, SAN equipment interoperability simplified. The Virtual Connect
Fibre Channel Module Provides basic 4:1, 8:1, or 16:1 NPIV Fibre
Channel concentration.
Data Center
Each Virtual Connect Fibre Channel module supports a single SAN
fabric and is typically connected to a Fibre Channel switch that has been
configured to run in NPIV mode. The 4 uplink ports are speed selectable
from 1, 2, or 4Gb/s.
The setup wizard allows SAN administrators to name the fabric that
servers will connect into and set the oversubscription rate. Fibre
Channel boot parameters and WWN administration are configurable
options that can be integrated into server profiles.
In an NPIV environment, there is an initial brief login function between
the Virtual Connect Fibre Channel Module and the data center switch.
Once completed, all HBA connections appear as though they are
directly connected between the server and the SAN switch. The Virtual
Connect Fibre Channel Module appears as a pass-thru device to the
SAN, yet cables are reduced as high as 16:1
Management Features
An HP 1/10Gb Virtual Connect Module must be present in order to
configure the VC FC Modules. This provides a complete Virtual Connect
Environment for the server connections.
Simple and intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) for defining,
configuring, and managing all elements of the Virtual Connect Domain.
Setup Wizards for initial domain installation and configuration and
network and SAN configuration.
Comprehensive administration, definition, and management of Ethernet
Networks, Shared Uplink Sets using VLANS, SAN Fabric management,
and Server Profiles
Domain Management of user accounts, enclosure, Virtual Connect
domain settings, and firmware updates
The location and status of Virtual Connect Modules in the HP c-Class
Enclosure and Onboard Administrator can be viewed from the Hardware
Status page. Including at-a-glance detailed information of the hardware
elements via mouse-over pop-up windows.
WWN Address Administration allows local administration of predefined
WWN addresses ranges to allow pre-provisioning of SAN volumes.
VC manager runs as a high-availability pair when HP 1/10Gb VC-
Ethernet Modules are installed in adjacent bays. All configuration data is
stored in flash memory and checkpointed to the standby module.
Configurations can also be backed up to a workstation via the GUI.
HP 4Gb Virtual Connect Fibre Channel Module for c-
Class BladeSystem
Technical Specifications
DA - 12673 Worldwide QuickSpecs — Version 5 — 10-1-2007
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