Example Enabling Continuous Scans
INIT:CONT ON Enables continuous scanning.
SCAN (@100:115) Sets channel list.
INIT Starts scanning cycle.
:CONTinuous? INITiate:CONTinuous? queries the scanning state. With continuous
scanning enabled, the command returns 1 (ON). With continuous scanning
disabled, the command returns 0 (OFF).
Example Query Continuous Scanning State
INIT:CONT ON Enables continuous scanning.
INIT:CONT? Query continuous scanning state.
[:IMMediate] INITiate[:IMMediate] starts the scanning cycle and closes the first channel
in the channel list. Successive triggers from the source specified by the
TRIGger:SOURce command advances the scan through the channel list.
Comments • Starting the Scanning Cycle: The INITiate[:IMMediate] command
starts scanning by closing the first channel in the channel list. Each
trigger received advances the scan to the next channel in the channel
list. An invalid channel list generates an error (see the
[ROUTe:]SCAN command).
• Stopping Scanning Cycles: See the ABORt command.
Example Enabling a Single Scan
SCAN (@100:115) Sets channel list.
INIT Starts scanning cycle.
Chapter 5 HP E1351A/53A 16-Channel FET Multiplexer Command Reference 61