Figure 4-3 Two Storage CLIMs, Two SAS Disk Enclosure Configuration
This table lists the Storage CLIM, LUN, and bay identification for the factory-default system disk
locations in the configuration of two Storage CLIMs and two SAS disk enclosures. In this case,
$SYSTEM, $DSMSCM, $AUDIT, and OSS are configured as mirrored SAS disk volumes:
Backup and Mirror CLIMPrimary and Mirror-Backup CLIMDisk Volume Name$SYSTEM$DSMSCM$AUDIT$OSS
* For an illustration of the factory-default slot locations for a SAS disk enclosure, see “Factory-Default Disk Volume
Locations for SAS Disk Devices” (page 58).
Two Storage CLIMs, Four SAS Disk Enclosures
This illustration shows example cable connections for the two Storage CLIM, four SAS disk
enclosures configuration:
Storage CLIM Devices 59