HP SUM 5.0.0 and later includes a utility named GatherLogs.bat (Windows) or
Gatherlogs.sh (Linux) to create a compressed .zip (Windows) or tar.Z (Linux) file with all the
logs. If you need to review the log files, you can run this utility to gather all the logs in one file.
NOTE: Exit HP SUM before running the GatherLogs utility.
The following are the debug files for HP SUM 5.x.
FunctionDebug Trace Files
Contains details of the component inventory from the
Includes general settings information of HP SUM such as
Force downgrade or upgrade.
Includes trace data of repository manager and general
errors if any.
Contains trace data for HP SUM SOAP server sessions.Hpsumiserver\Hpsumiserver.log
Contains remote trace data for HP SUM SOAP server
Contains information of the HP SUM SOAP server.Hpsumiserver\localhpsumsoapserver.log
Contains the data and time each session started. This file
is saved in a separate directory named with the date.
Provides the repository and component information. This
directory can be excluded in the trace data when collecting
the trace files.
Provides the details of interaction between the Operations
Manager and the remote discovery client. If a discovery
tool fails, it is reported to this trace file and surfaced as a
Discovery Failed message. This log is target specific.
Provides the interaction between the Operations Manager
and the remote discovery client. If a discovery tool fails, it
is reported to this trace file and surfaced as a Discovery
Failed message. This log is target specific.
Provides the trace data from operations manager for a
specific target.
<target>\<target name>_log.txt
<target> is the name of the target in the source selections
Provides general settings information of HP SUM such as
Force downgrade or upgrade for a specific target.
FunctionLog Files
Contains information of HP SUM discovery, installation
status and errors if any.
<target> is the name of the target in the source selections
Contains the log data of the components.Hpsum_detail_log.txt
Stores persistent data on the user's system.hpsum.ini
Collecting trace directories 21