Diagnostic tools 81
0251: System CMOS checksum bad – Default configuration used
In some cases an error message may include recommendations for troubleshooting or require that you
press the Enter key to display recommendations. Follow the instructions on the screen.
The next table lists the most common POST error messages with their corresponding troubleshooting
recommendation. It is recommended that you correct the error before proceeding, even if the server
appears to boot successfully.
If your system displays one of the messages marked below with an asterisk (*), write down the code
and message and contact your HP Customer Support provider.
Error code Error message Corrective action/description
000 Timer Error Indicates an error while programming the
count register of channel 2 of the 8254 timer.
This might indicate an issue with system
hardware and requires repairing the system
003 CMOS Battery Low CMOS Battery is low. This message usually
indicates that the CMOS battery needs to be
replaced. It might also appear when the users
intentionally discharge the CMOS battery
004 CMOS Settings Wrong CMOS settings are invalid. This error can be
resolved by using F9 to load optimal default
in the Setup Utility
008 Unlock Keyboard PS2 keyboard is locked. User must unlock the
keyboard to continue the BIOS POST.
010 KBC BAT Test failed The bat test on keyboard controller failed
011 CMOS Memory Size Wrong The base memory (memory below 1MB) size
that is reported in the CMOS (offset 15h)
mismatches with the actual size detected. This
condition may occur when the hole is set at
512K base memory or when CMOS is
00C RAM R/W test failed This message appears by the AMI BIOS8
when the RAM read/write test fails.
00D Uncorrectable Memory ECC Error! If DIMM occur Uncorrectable Memory ECC
Error!, this message will appear on POST
012 CMOS Date/Time Not Set The CMOS date and/or time are invalid. This
error can be resolved by readjusting the
system time in the Setup Utility.
015 Fan Missing! If system fan is not installed or failed, the
system will display this message and
shutdown in minutes.
016 System board temperature out of
If system detects system board temperature
sensor over heat, this message will appear.