Setup 33
The new drive array is listed on the left side of the screen. Select the drive array, and then click Create
Logical Drive.
6. The system determines the optimum RAID configuration settings based on the number of drives selected.
To retain these settings, click Save.
For advanced users, to modify these default settings, see the Configuring Arrays on HP Smart Array
Controllers Reference Guide on the HP website (http://www.hp.com/support/CASAC_RG_en).
7. Click Exit ACU.
8. Click PREVIOUS .
Install the operating system
1. If you are installing the OS from a disc or an external USB drive, do one of the following:
o Load the OS image disc to the server optical drive. If an optical drive is not installed, connect a USB
optical drive to the server USB 2.0 connector.
o Connect the USB storage drive containing the OS image to the server USB 2.0 connector.
2. On the Intelligent Provisioning main screen, select Configure and Install.
3. The system detects the default hardware settings. Retain these settings or customize them according to
your requirements.
4. Follow the onscreen prompts to install the OS.