Reference Guide 141
ac (time-out), 58, 90
ac adapter
charging battery, 53
connecting, 16, 53
jack, 13
part number, 16
docking products, 76
plug-in modules, 63
troubleshooting, 98
adding RAM, 81
addresses (I/O), 132
brightness, 29
volume, 31
administrator password, 93
Advanced Power Management
preinstalled for Windows 95/98,
Windows NT 4, 51
Agaté Tioman hot-swap
installing, 62
troubleshooting, 99
using, 63
airline adapter, 12
Alt Gr key, 34
antistatic precautions, 81, 83
adjusting volume, 31, 100
connecting devices, 71
muting, 31
troubleshooting, 100
audio jacks
connecting, 71
location, 14
auto/airline adapter, 12
charging, 53
checking level, 52
for clock, 51
installing, 55
location, 14
low-power warnings, 50, 53
operating time, 57, 109
prolonging life, 59
removing, 55
safety, 56, 135
saving power, 57
storing, 59
troubleshooting, 109
bay (module), 18, 63
BIOS Setup utility
Boot menu, 91
deleting passwords, 94
Exit menu, 91
external display settings, 67, 87
Main menu, 87
Power menu, 90
Security menu, 89
setting passwords, 93
setting time-outs, 58
System Devices menu, 88
using, 86
BIOS updates, 120
boot device order, 21, 91, 99
Boot menu (BIOS), 91
adjusting, 29
affects battery time, 57
affects display life, 29
Caps Lock, 13, 23
Card Executive, 75
Cardbus cards, 74
cards (PCMCIA), 74
CD-ROM drive
installing, 63
parallel port, 119
PC Card, 119
troubleshooting, 98
channels (DMA), 133
charging battery, 53
cleaning the OmniBook, 48
clicking items, 25
COM1 port, 15, 66
BIOS settings, 86
pointing stick, 27
touch pad, 26, 27
ac adapter, 53
audio devices, 71
external display, 67
floppy drive, 18
floppy to parallel port, 65
infrared device, 72
parallel device, 69
plug-in modules, 63
serial device, 70
serial mouse, 70
USB devices, 70
Corporate Evaluator's Guide, 10
corrupted files, 103
diagnostic disk, 116
Support Utility disk, 119
cursor (pointer), 25, 27
Customer Care website, 10
default BIOS settings, 87
default system resources, 131
deleting password, 94
desktop management, 92
boot order, 91, 99
docks, 76
drivers, 117
external display, 32, 33, 67
infrared, 72
parallel, 69
ports for, 66
printers, 69
PS/2, 69, 88
serial, 70
temporary boot order, 21
USB, 70
floppy disk, 116
running, 115
DiagTools, 115
Direct Cable Connection, 73
diagnostic, 116
Support Utility, 119
BIOS settings, 67, 87
brightness, 29
brightness affects battery, 57
closing, 30
connected to dock, 67, 68