System software:
Navigator version L.14.00 or later
Operating System Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition or later
Service pack SP3 with hotfix “clusfixi” or later
Single Points of Failure
The Model 30/FC Disk Array virtually does not have single points of
failure. However, care should be taken to bind LUNs as described in the
Model 30/FC Disk Array manual. The manual addresses topics such as;
spreading LUNs equally across internal buses and using RAID modes. In a
cluster configuration, single points of failure arise due to the method used
to connect the disk array to the server. These single points of failure are as
Due to Windows NT inability to allow for dual data paths, a total
fibre-channel hub failure (removal of power from the hub, catastrophic
failure of multiple hub ports) will result in the loss of the cluster. It is
possible to power the hub using an UPS to remove part of the issue,
however an unforeseen total hub failure would still be a single point of
failure. Current data on the fibre channel hub indicates that risk in this
area is minimal.
If the data connection between the hub and Model 30/FC Disk Array
is broken the cluster will go down. The fibre channel cables are
generally known to be robust with an insignificant possibility of
A failure in the storage processor of the Model 30/FC Disk Array will
result in a loss of the cluster. The possibility of the storage processor
failing is small. Current configurations do not allow for failover to
another storage processor in the Windows NT environment.
Model HP NetServer LXr 8000
Clock speed 400 MHz. or higher
No. of CPUs 2 – 4
BIOS version Release 1 or later
CPU cache Any size
RAM 256 MB minimum. Must be HP.
No. of power supplies 3
Local storage Internal or external, using any controller except NetRAID 1 or 3. Must use
HP disks. See
Local Storage below.
I/O slots: P3 – P4 Shared storage controller
P1 – NetRAID local storage
P5 – Intra-cluster (Heartbeat) LAN
P6 – Client LAN
All others – Any other plug-in cards.