Signing up to automatically receive advisories, notices, and other messages
The Subscriber's Choice website includes options to register for and automatically receive, by e-mail,
personalized product tips, update information, driver- and support-related advisories, and other notices
for this and other HP devices. Although optional, HP recommends registering all of your HP products
with Subscriber's Choice. For more information, see the Subscriber's Choice website: http://
To register for and automatically receive product tips, update information, driver- and support-related
advisories, see the Subscriber's Choice website: http://www.hp.com/go/e-updates. Click Subscribe
and follow the onscreen instructions to select all of the HP products for which you want to receive
notices. While subscribing, indicate your delivery preference (HTML, text, or RSS) and frequency of
delivery (as they become available, weekly, or monthly).
Confirming warranty support and finding out about related services
The standard warranty protects against product defects and some causes of downtime. You can extend
your warranty with HP Care Pack Services. This portfolio of predefined packages is flexible, allowing
you to extend coverage to the exact level of support required. You choose the support level that meets
your business requirement, from basic to mission-critical.
Recommended service levels and appropriate related services for your particular disk enclosure model
are listed on the QuickSpecs. For more information, see the Storage Services website: http://
Gathering and recording information
A brief worksheet is included on the getting started instructions that is shipped with the disk enclosure.
As you gather and identify the hardware and software components for your environment, use the
worksheet to record information about your components and your configuration. Some information
is easily obtained before installing the disk enclosure, while some of the information is created during
the configuration process.
A basic worksheet is included on the poster, but HP recommends creating and keeping more detailed
Information recorded on the worksheet is used during the initial system setup and configuration, and
is helpful for future configuration changes and troubleshooting purposes.
If a supplier is installing or configuring your disk enclosure, provide them with the poster, and verify
that they complete the worksheet and record other important configuration and set up information.
Planning the storage configuration
Proper planning of the system storage and its subsequent performance is critical to a successful
deployment of the disk enclosure. Improper planning or implementation can result in wasted storage
space, degraded performance, or inability to expand the system to meet growing storage needs.
D2600/D2700 Disk Enclosure User Guide 25