
Index 93
scripted installation 40
SD support 51
serial label pull tab 6
serial number 46
series number 73
server blade handle 6
server blades, installing 18
server fault indications flowchart 68
server features and options 20
service notifications 58
SmartStart autorun menu 43
SmartStart Scripting Toolkit 40
SmartStart, overview 43
software drivers 37
specifications 80
specifications, environmental 80
specifications, server 80
start diagnosis flowchart 59
static electricity 79
StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools (L&TT) 48
support 52, 81
support packs 43
supported operating systems 53
switches, interconnect 15
symbols on equipment 56
symptom information 57
system board battery 77
system board components 9
system board thumbscrews 9
System Erase Utility 48
system maintenance switch 10
Systems Insight Manager 48
Taiwan battery recycling notice 78
technical support 81
telephone numbers 81
troubleshooting 55, 58
updating the system ROM 50
USB connectors 11
USB support 50
utilities 37
utilities, deployment 40, 43
video connector 11
warnings 56