
Component Description
Power light
White: The computer is on.
Blinking white: The computer is in the Sleep/Suspend
state, which is an energy-saving mode. The computer
shuts off power to the display and other unneeded
Off: The computer is off or in Hibernation. Hibernation
is an energy-saving mode that uses the least amount
of power.
NOTE: For select models, the Intel® Rapid Start
Technology feature is enabled at the factory.
RapidStart Technology allows your computer to
resume quickly from inactivity.
Mute light Amber: Computer sound is off.
Off: Computer sound is on.
Wireless light White: An integrated wireless device, such as a
wireless local area network (WLAN) device and/or a
Bluetooth® device, is on.
Amber: All wireless devices are off.
(4) Caps lock light On: Caps lock is on, which switches the keys to all capital
(5) TouchPad light
On: The TouchPad is off.
Off: The TouchPad is on.
10 Chapter 2 External component identification