
Index 173
phone numbers 165
POST error messages 148, 149, 150, 151
POST problems flowchart 139
power button cabling 100
power button/LED system connector 19
power connectors, internal 19
power cord 128
power distribution unit 49
Power On/Standby button 35, 100
power requirements 48
power supply blank 68
powering up 35, 106
PPM failure LEDs 25
problem diagnosis 125, 132
processors 58
ProLiant Support Packs 121
PSPs, overview 121
rack installation 45
rack mounting hardware 51
rack resources 46
rack stability 128
RBSU (ROM-Based Setup Utility) 105, 115
redundant ROM 114
registering the server 56
regulatory compliance notices 155
required information 165
Resource Paqs 120
RILOE II (Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition
II) 93
RILOE II cabling 89, 101
ROM redundancy 114
ROM, updating 111
ROM-Based Diagnostic Utility 115
ROM-based enhancements 105
ROM-Based Inspect Utility 115
ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU) 115
ROMPaq utility 111, 114
safety considerations 126
SAS backplane 19
SAS backplane components 19
SAS connector 19
SAS drive cabling 85
SAS drive numbers 68
SAS drives 68, 69, 70
SAS hard drive LEDs 26
scripted installation 104
SCSI backplane LEDs 23
SCSI IDs 64, 65
SCSI terminator 96
search engine 121
serial number 109
server features and options 57
server setup 45
service notifications 131
shipping carton contents 51
simplex SCSI hard drive configuration 65, 93
SmartStart autorun menu 103
SmartStart Scripting Toolkit 104
SmartStart software 56
SmartStart, overview 103
space requirements 46
start diagnosis flowchart 132
static electricity 153
StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools
(L&TT) 113
support 165
support packs 103
supported operating systems 121
Survey Utility 118
symbols on equipment 126
system board battery 123, 161
System Maintenance Menu 115
Taiwan battery recycling notice 162
technical support 165
telephone numbers 165
temperature requirements 48
temperature, overtemperature LED 25
troubleshooting 125
troubleshooting sequence 125, 132