Index 131
access panel 23
ACU (Array Configuration Utility) 80
additional information 90
ADU (Array Diagnostic Utility) 86
airflow requirements 27
Altiris Deployment Solution 81
Altiris eXpress Deployment Server 81
Array Configuration Utility (ACU) 80
Array Diagnostic Utility (ADU) 86
authorized reseller 120
auto-configuration process 78
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) 79, 82, 96
batteries, replacing 113
battery 89, 113
battery pack LEDs 20
battery replacement notice 113
battery-backed write cache (BBWC) 20, 66
battery-backed write cache battery pack 66
BBWC (battery-backed write cache) 20, 66
beep codes 106, 107
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) 79, 82, 96
BIOS Serial Console 79
BIOS upgrade 82
board, SPI (System Peripheral Interface) 16
boot options 79
BSMI notice 112
cables 74, 94, 109
cabling, DVD-ROM drive 76
cabling, XNC 74
Canadian notice 109, 115
capacitor pack 68
Care Pack 26, 88
Change Control 88
Chinese notice 112
class A equipment 108
class B equipment 108
components, front panel 7, 8
components, identification 7
components, rear 10, 12
components, system board 16, 17
configuration of system 29, 30, 77
configuration tools 77
configuration utilities 77
connection problems 94
contacting HP 120
creating a disk image 81
CSR (customer self repair) 120
customer self repair (CSR) 120
Declaration of Conformity 109
deployment software 81
diagnosing problems 90
diagnostic tools 81, 82, 85
diagnostics utility 85
DIMM installation guidelines 41, 44
DIMM slot locations 18
DIMMs 40, 41, 80
diskette image creation 81
disposal, battery 111, 113
drivers 87
DVD-ROM drive 76
electrical grounding requirements 28
electrostatic discharge
31, 116
environmental requirements 26
Erase Utility 83
error messages 106, 107
European Union notice 110
expansion board 58, 60, 62
expansion boards 54, 58, 60, 62, 64
expansion boards, non-hot-plug 58
expansion slots 16
extending server from rack 22
FBWC module 68
FCC rating label 108
features 7