Miscellaneous parts
Component Spare part number
AC adapter
65-W HP Smart AC adapter (non-PFC, 4.5-mm) 710412-001
65-W HP Smart AC adapter (non-PFC, EM, 4.5-mm) 714657-001
Power cord (3-pin, black, 1.83-m):
For use in Argentina 490371-D01
For use in Denmark 490371-081
For use in Europe 490371-021
For use in Israel 490371-BB1
For use in Italy 490371-061
For use in Japan 490371-291
For use in North America 490371-001
For use in South Korea 490371-AD1
For use in Switzerland 490371-111
For use in Taiwan 490371-AB1
For use in Thailand 490371-201
For use in the United Kingdom and Singapore 490371-031
Rubber Feet Kit (includes 2 rear rubber feet) 730888-001
Screw Kit 730889-001
Sequential part number listing
Spare part number Description
490371-001 Power cord for use in North America (3-pin, black, 1.83-m)
490371-021 Power cord for use in Europe (3-pin, black, 1.83-m)
490371-031 Power cord for use in the United Kingdom and Singapore (3-pin, black, 1.83-m)
490371-061 Power cord for use in Italy (3-pin, black, 1.83-m)
490371-081 Power cord for use in Denmark (3-pin, black, 1.83-m)
490371-111 Power cord for use in Switzerland (3-pin, black, 1.83-m)
490371-201 Power cord for use in Thailand (3-pin, black, 1.83-m)
490371-291 Power cord for use in Japan (3-pin, black, 1.83-m)
18 Chapter 3 Illustrated parts catalog