
HP offers support for the iLO 2, iLO 3 and iLO 4 features available on ProLiant servers with the
HPONCFG utility.
HPONCFG is an online configuration tool used to set up and reconfigure iLO 2, iLO3 and iLO 4
without requiring a reboot of the server operating system. The utility runs in a command-line mode
and must be executed from an operating system command-line.
Observe the following requirements before using HPONCFG:
The iLO 2, iLO 3 or iLO 4 Management Interface Driver must be loaded on the server. HPONCFG
displays a warning if the driver is not installed.
HPONCFG requires minimum iLO 2, iLO 3 and iLO 4 firmware versions. To determine the
minimum firmware version required, see the HP SmartStart Scripting Toolkit Linux and Windows
Editions Support Matrix.
For more information, see the Remote Management website:http://www.hp.com/servers/lights-out
HPONCFG command-line syntax
Use the following format at the command line:
hponcfg -f filename [-l filename] [-v] [-m minFw] -g [-m minFw] -w
filename [-m minFw] -r [-m minFw ] -h -?
The HPONCFG utility can be accessed from the location: /opt/hp/tools.
IMPORTANT: Because the-w argument does not capture certain types of information, such as
the administrator password, data files created with HPONCFG using the-w argument cannot then
be used as input files for HPONCFG, unless they are modified first.
Table 1 hponcfg Command Line Arguments
This argument sets the iLO 2, iLO 3 or iLO 4 configuration based on the
information in the XML input file named filename.
-f, - -file=filename
This argument logs replies to the text log file named filename.-l, - -log=filename
Writes all the responses from iLO 2, iLO 3 or iLO 4.-v, - -xmlverbose
This argument returns the host server name and serial number.-g, - -get_hostinfo
This argument indicates to HPONCFG the minimum firmware level that must be
present in the management device to execute the RIBCL script. If the minimum
-m, - -minfwlevel
level is not met, HPONCFG returns an error without performing any additional
This argument writes the iLO 2, iLO 3 or iLO 4 configuration obtained from the
device to the XML output file named filename.
-w, - -writeconfig=filename
This argument resets the iLO 2, iLO 3 or iLO 4 to factory defaults.-r, - -reset
These arguments display simple help messages.-h, - -help, - -?
HPONCFG return codes
This section provides description about the return code after running the command.
Table 2 hponcfg return codes
The script was sent successfully to the device.0
The script could not be sent to the device. There is an error in xml.1
The Management processor is not present, or the driver is not running.2
HPONCFG utility 5