Important note before you begin
Important note before you beginImportant note before you begin
Important note before you begin
Systems may be configured with more than 16 CPUs per partition, only when used with Tru64 UNIX V5.1 or OpenVMS V7.2-1H1 with Update #5. System
components, such as master PCI drawers and numbers of PCI options supported must be consistent with this requirement.
Step 1 - Assess Application Requirements
Step 1 - Assess Application RequirementsStep 1 - Assess Application Requirements
Step 1 - Assess Application Requirements
Selection of system components must be made in the context of total application requirements. Although the configuration of system components
must be done in steps (for example, base packages, CPUs, memories, etc.), these steps cannot be done in isolation.
The order in which requirements are assessed is also important, since one requirement may impact others. Before proceeding, it would be useful to
assess the total application requirements in the following order:
What level of availability is required?
If no single points of failure are allowed, then the solution should be configured as a multi-system cluster.
If access to specific devices must be assured, consider redundant adapters - RAID, N+1 power, redundant PCI drawers, and redundant consoles.
If software redundancy is required, consider clusters and/or hardware partitioning. The choice of hardware partitioning will generate a need for
multiple master PCI drawers, multiple consoles, and I/O adapters.
If the "CPU On-Line Add and Remove" feature is required, refer to document EK-GSHPG-RM for configuration and operational requirements.
What level of hardware partitioning is required for optimal system management?
What overall capacities are required in terms of processor performance, memory capacity, and disk storage?
How should the system be configured to optimize performance?
In most cases, optimum performance is achieved if the system resources (CPUs, memory, and I/O adapters) are balanced across the quad building
blocks in the system.
Memory should be configured according to application guidelines listed in Step 4.
What are the near-term system expansion needs?
How will system cabinets be physically arranged? This will determine if expansion cabinets are required and what cable lengths are required.
Most configuration steps require that these data be considered in whole or in part. Be sure to execute each step in the context of the total
application requirements.
System Ordering Requirements:
System Ordering Requirements:System Ordering Requirements:
System Ordering Requirements:
Certain system components or services are either required for normal operation or are recommended for best system performance and/or operation. This
document uses the following definitions to specify these options:
Mandatory purchase
Mandatory purchaseMandatory purchase
Mandatory purchase
: The system cannot function without this option or service - the option or service must be ordered with the system.
Required to function
Required to functionRequired to function
Required to function
: This option or service is needed to support a working system - the option or service must be ordered with the system or be
available onsite.
: System performance or function will be enhanced if this option or service is ordered.
HP AlphaServer GS320 (1224 MHz)
DA - 11424 North America — Version 7 — August 19, 2003
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