System Power-Up 4-17
VET. After the installation completes, you should delete the output
directory with rm -r output. You can also delete the kit tar file.
8. You must
reboot the system before starting Q-VET.
9. On reboot you can start Q-Vet GUI via vet& or you can run non GUI
(Command Line) via vet -nw
1. Delete any QVETAXPxxx.A or QVETAXPxxx.EXE file from the current
2. Copy the self-extracting kit image file (QVETAXPxxx.EXE) to the current
3. It is highly recommended, but not required, that you purge the system disk
before installing Q-VET. This will free up space that may be needed for
PageFile expansion during the AUTOGEN phase. $purge
sys$sysdevice:[*… ]*.*
4. Extract the kit saveset with the command $run QVETAXPxxx.EXE and
verify that the kit saveset was extracted by checking for the "Successful
decompression" message.
5. Use @sys$update:vmsinstal for the Q-VET installation. The
installation will size your system for devices and memory. You should
choose all the default answers during the Q-VET installation. This will run
the IVP, tune the system and reboot. During the install, if you do not
intend to use the GUI, you can answer no to the question "Do you want to
install Q-VET with the DECwindows Motif interface?"
6. After the installation completes you should delete the QVETAXP0xx.A file
and the QVETAXPxxx.EXE file.
7. On reboot you can start Q-VET GUI via $vet or the command interface via