64 Chapter 4
Firmware (OBP and PDC)
HP mode boot menu
HP mode boot menu
In some instances, the boot menu displays; otherwise the operating
system boots and the system is ready for use. The boot menu displays
when one of the following occurs:
• The system encounters a problem while booting
• Autoboot is disabled
• The operator interrupts the boot process
Command Description
------- -----------
AUto [BOot|SEArch|Force ON|OFF] Display or set the specified flag
BOot [PRI|ALT|<path> <args>] Boot from a specified path
BootTimer [time] Display or set boot delay time
CLEARPIM Clear PIM storage
CPUconfig [<cpu>] [ON|OFF|SHOW] (De)Configure/Show Processor
DEfault Set the system to defined values
DIsplay Display this menu
ForthMode Switch to the Forth OBP interface
IO List the I/O devices in the system
LS [<path>|flash] List the boot or flash volume
PASSword Set the Forth password
PAth [PRI|ALT|CON] [<path>] Display or modify a path
PDT [CLEAR|DEBUG] Display/clear Non-Volatile PDT state
PIM_info [cpu#] [HPMC|TOC|LPMC] Display PIM of current or any CPU
RemoteCommand node# command Execute command on a remote node
RESET [hard|debug] Force a reset of the system
RESTrict [ON|OFF] Display/Select restricted access to Forth
SCSI [INIT|RATE] [bus slot val] List/Set SCSI controller parms
SEArch [<path>] Search for boot devices
SECure [ON|OFF] Display or set secure boot mode
TIme [cn:yr:mo:dy:hr:mn[:ss]] Display or set the real-time clock
VErsion Display the firmware versions
[0] Command:
At this point, the user can either enter any command on the menu or
continue the boot process. To continue booting, enter the following
Commands and options are case-insensitive (auto = AUTO). Each
command has a shortcut, which is the minimum letters that can be
entered to execute the command. For example, to execute the search
command, enter
SEA, SEAR, SEARC, or SEARCH. This shortcut is
indicated by capital letters in Table 10 and in the rest of this chapter.