
rubber feet
removal 53
spare part number 53
Rubber Kit, spare part number
23, 31
Screw Kit, spare part number 28,
security cable slot, location 13
security, product description 7
serial number 17
serial number, computer 17
service considerations
cables 36
connectors 36
plastic parts 35
service door
location 16
removal 42
spare part number 24, 31, 42
service labels
locating 17
serviceability, product
description 8
Setup Utility
changing the language for
Ubuntu Linux computer
models 99
displaying system information
for Ubuntu Linux computer
models 100
exiting for Ubuntu Linux
computer models 100
navigating for Ubuntu Linux
computer models 99
restoring default settings for
Ubuntu Linux computer
models 100
selecting for Ubuntu Linux
computer models 99
starting for Ubuntu Linux
computer models 99
Setup Utility (BIOS), using 96
speaker components 10
location 10, 16
removal 81, 83, 86
spare part numbers 21, 23,
32, 81, 83, 86
computer 103
display 104
hard drive 104
precautions 36
spare part number 24, 26, 27,
location 16
removal 81
spare part number 23, 32, 81
supported discs
recovery for Windows computer
models 107
system board
removal 64
spare part numbers 21, 22,
32, 33, 34, 64, 65
system information, displaying for
Ubuntu Linux computer models
system recovery
for Ubuntu Linux computer
models 111
for Windows computer
models 108
system restore point
creating for Windows computer
models 106
tools required 35
top cover, spare part number 20,
TouchPad assembly
removal 88
spare part number 21, 32, 88
TouchPad button 13
TouchPad components 13
TouchPad zone 13
transporting guidelines 38
traveling with the computer 18
USB 3.0 port 14, 15
vent 14, 16
video, product description 6
webcam 9
webcam light 9
webcam/microphone module
removal 62
spare part number 25, 31, 62
File History 107
restoring files 107
system restore point 106
Windows key 11
wireless antenna
locations 9
removal 62
spare part number 25, 31, 63
wireless certification label 18
wireless light 12
wireless, product description 6
WLAN device 18
WLAN label 18
WLAN module
removal 44
spare part numbers 23, 28,
29, 44
workstation guidelines 38
Index 121