Appendix A Specifications
Video Support
Table A-10. Video Driver Support
Network Operating
System (NOS)
HP NetServer
Supported Comments
Windows NT 3.51 No No Support planned
Windows NT 4.0 Yes Provided with NOS
NetWare 5 No No Driver is available
SCO OpenServer 5.0 Yes
SCO UnixWare 7.0 Yes
Drivers are provided as part of SCO
Software Releases.
OS/2 WarpServer Yes Provided by ATI supported releases.
Linux Yes The only ATI -compatible driver available is
provided by RedHat LINUX.
The HP NetServer uses an embedded video chip (ATI RageIIC) in the system
board, which provides the resolutions found in Table A-10. The HP NetServer
uses 2 MB of SGRAM memory, but cannot be upgraded.
Table A-11. Video Resolutions
Resolution 256 Colors 65k Colors 16.7M Colors
640 x 480 200 Hz 200 Hz 200 Hz
800 x 600 200 Hz 200 Hz 160 Hz
1024 x 768 150 Hz 150 Hz Not supported
1152 x 864 120 Hz 120 Hz Not supported
1280 x 1024 100 Hz 100 Hz Not supported
1600 x 1200 76 Hz 76 Hz Not supported