3–6 Hardware Guide
Battery Packs
Placing the Power Meter Icon on the
To place the Power Meter icon on the taskbar, access the Power
Options window.
» Select the Advanced tab, and then select the Always show
icon on the taskbar check box.
If the Power Meter icon is on the taskbar, it will change shape
depending on whether a battery pack or AC power is the primary
power source.
Managing Low-Battery Conditions
It is important to respond to a low-battery or critical low-battery
condition. This section describes default battery settings and
ways to protect your work in a low-battery condition.
Identifying a Low-Battery Condition
When the battery pack is the only power source for the notebook
and drops to 5 percent of a full charge, the notebook has reached a
low-battery condition. When this condition occurs, the battery
light blinks and a text warning message is displayed.
The Power Options utility allows you to redefine a low-battery
condition, set audio warnings, and change other power defaults.
For details, see the “Power” chapter in the Software Guide on the
Documentation Library CD.
Identifying a Critical Low-Battery Condition
If you do not resolve a low-battery condition, the notebook enters
a critical low-battery condition. By default, the notebook defines
a critical low-battery condition as 3 percent of a full battery
charge remaining.