Supportability and management features on HP 9000 Superdome are covered in the next section.
Service Processor (MP)
Service Processor (MP)Service Processor (MP)
Service Processor (MP)
The service processor (MP) utility hardware is an independent support system for nPartition servers. It provides a way for you
to connect to a server complex and perform administration or monitoring
tasks for the server hardware and its nPartitions. The main features of the service processor include the Command menu,
nPartition consoles, console logs, chassis code viewers, and partition Virtual Front Panels (live displays of nPartition and
cell states).
Access to the MP is restricted by user accounts. Each user account is password protected and provides a specific level of
access to the Superdome complex and service processor commands. Multiple users can independently interact with the
service processor because each service processor login session is private.
Up to 16 users can simultaneously log in to the service processor through its network (customer LAN) interface and they can
independently manage nPartitions or view the server complex hardware states.
Two additional service processor login sessions can be supported by the local and remote serial ports. These allow for serial
port terminal access(through the local RS-232 port) and external modem access (through the
remote RS-232 port).
In general, the service processor (MP) on Superdome servers is similar to the service processor on other HP servers, while
providing enhanced features necessary for managing a multiple-nPartition server. For example, the service processor
manages the complex profile, which defines nPartition configurations as well as complex-wide settings for the server. The
service processor also controls power, reset, and TOC capabilities, displays and records system events (chassis codes), and
can display detailed information about the various internal subsystems.
Functional capabilities:
Functional capabilities:Functional capabilities:
Functional capabilities:
The primary features available through the service processor are:
The Service Processor Command Menu
The Service Processor Command MenuThe Service Processor Command Menu
The Service Processor Command Menu
: provides commands for system
service, status, access configuration, and manufacturing tasks.
Partition Consoles
Partition ConsolesPartition Consoles
Partition Consoles
: Each nPartition in a server complex has its own console.
Each nPartition's console provides access to Boot Console Handler (BCH) interface
and the HP-UX console for the nPartition.
Console Logs
Console LogsConsole Logs
Console Logs
: Each nPartition has its own console log, which has a history of
the nPartition console's output, including boot output, BCH activity, and any HP-
UX console login activity.
Chassis Logs Viewers
Chassis Logs ViewersChassis Logs Viewers
Chassis Logs Viewers
(Live and Recorded Chassis Codes): Three types of chassis
code log views are available: activity logs, error logs, and live chassis code logs.
Virtual Front Panels:
Virtual Front Panels: Virtual Front Panels:
Virtual Front Panels:
Each nPartition's Virtual Front Panel (VFP) displays real-
time status of the nPartition boot status and activity, and details about all cells
assigned to the nPartition. The VFP display automatically updates as cell and
nPartition status changes.
HP 9000 Superdome Servers
HP 9000 Superdome ServersHP 9000 Superdome Servers
HP 9000 Superdome Servers
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)
(PA-8600, PA-8700 and PA-8800)
Management Features
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