Figure 94 SPOCC Communication Results
6. Verify the Service Processor is transferring files successfully by doing the following steps:
a. Click Home to return to the SPOCC home page.
The Transfer Status entry indicates the overall status of SP file transfer.
b. To access the SP File Transfer Monitor, click Transfer Status.
c. Verify the SP file transfer is successful:
• The Last transfer status entry should include information about the last SP transfer,
including the date and time and a status of Ok.
• The Number of files on transfer queue and retry queue should be 0 (zero), which
indicates the SP is currently able to pass files to the transport layer.
• The Service Processor upload queue and SSAgent upload queue show the number
of files in the queue and should display the date, time, and filename of the most
recent file to start uploading.
If this queue becomes long, the Service Processor is encountering transfer issues. To
remedy the situation, contact HP support.
The SP File Transfer Monitor refreshes every 15 seconds.
94 Validating Remote Support