Figure 5-1 Control Panel LEDs
Power and System LEDs
The power and system LEDs indicate the state of the system. When the system LED is flashing
yellow or red, a problem exists.
Table 5-3 lists the system LED states.
Table 5-3 System LED States
StateSystem LED
AC power is off if the power LED is offOff
Running OSSolid green
Booting or running BCHFlashing green
Attention: Alerts of levels 3-5 detected in the iLO MP logs
The LED turns off once the event log has been read
Flashing yellow (1/sec.)
Fault: System Alert 7 detected, LED blinks until the problem is resolved and the
system boots successfully
Fatal hardware error detected by BMC, LED blinks until the problem is corrected
Flashing red (2/sec.)
For system alerts of levels 3-5, clear the attention condition on the LED. To access the logs, use
the SL command available in the iLO MP command mode.
The fault condition for system alerts of level 7 is cleared by resolving the problem and cycling
power. For additional error information, see the SL error logs.
NOTE: Before replacing any hardware, check the iLO MP status logs in the case of a flashing
yellow or red system LED.
The front panel LAN LED indicates the system is communicating over the Gigabit:
Flashing green The system is communicating over the LAN; the LAN is active.
Not green No LAN cable is attached; LAN network is dead or the system is off or
the LAN link is not established; no current LAN activity.
Table 5-4 lists the 10/100/1000 base-T Ethernet LAN connectors LEDs.
118 Troubleshooting