Figure 3-4 HP 9000 rp3410/rp3440 Server - Pedestal Mount
Detailed Server Description
The following sections list the main subsystems within the HP 9000 rp3410 and rp3440 servers.
Table 3-1 lists the features of the HP 9000 rp3410 and rp3440 servers.
Table 3-1 HP 9000 rp3410 and rp3440 Server Features
One to four processors at 800 MHz (or 1 GHz)
and 1 GHz with 1.5MB L1 cache/32 MB L2 cache
One or two processors at800 MHz with 1.5 MB
L1 cache/32 MB L2 cache
One to four processors at 800 MHz (or 1 GHz)
and 1 GHz with 1.5MB L1 cache/64 MB L2 cache
One or two processors at800 MHz with 1.5 MB
L1 cache/64 MB L2 cache
Supports up to 24 GBSupports up to 6 GBMemory
Three 36 GB, 15K RPM Ultra320 SCSI Hot Plug
Disk or 3- 73 GB, 15K RPM Ultra320 SCSI Hot
Plug Disk or three 146 GB, 10K RPM Ultra320
SCSI Hot Plug Disk
Three 36 GB, 15KRPM Ultra320 SCSI HotPlug
Disk or 3- 73 GB, 15K RPM Ultra320 SCSI Hot
Plug Disk or three 146 GB, 10K RPM Ultra320
SCSI Hot Plug Disk
A6150B PCI card (optional)A6150B PCI card (optional)Video
48 Installing the System