
Dual core PA-8800
processor module
1.0-GHz or 900 MHz frequencies
Level 2 Cache: 32 MB
Level 1 Cache: 3 MB (1.5-MB integrated cache per core)
44-bit physical addressing
4-processor set associative cache
Single bit cache error correction
4-processor superscalar
56 instruction reorder buffer
Full PA RISC 2.0 binary compatibility
Configuration Rules
Processors can be ordered individually (2 processors) or upgraded individually.
There must be at least one active core (non iCAP) processor on each cell board.
On each cell board, processors must be installed in the following sequence 0, 2, 1, 3
Memory Configuration
The memory DIMMs used in the HP 9000 rp7420 Server are sold in quads and are custom
designed by HP. Each DIMM contains 36×4 SDRAM memory chips qualified to run at 125 MHz,
with full ECC protection. DIMM sizes of 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, and 4 GB are supported. HP 9000
rp7410 memory modules can be carried forward to the HP 9000 rp7420 Server. Each HP 9000
rp7420 Server cell board supports up to 16 DIMMs with 16 GB/s of peak memory bandwidth. The
16 GB memory modules (4×4GB DIMMs) cannot be mixed with other memory DIMM sizes. When
purchased from the factory, any given partition can ordered with 4 GB DIMMs or non stacked
DIMMs (512 MB, 1 GB or 2 GB), but not both. When field integrated, cell boards can contain 4 GB
DIMMs or non stacked DIMMs (512 MB, 1 GB or 2 GB), but not both.
The HP 9000 rp7420 and HP 9000 rp8420 servers share the same 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB, and 16 GB memory products.
HP 9000 rp7420 Server Memory DIMMs
Quad Size
rp7420 Product
rp7410 Product
Numbers that are
HP 9000 rp7420 Server
Maximum Capacity Using 1 DIMM
2 GB
16 GB
512 MB
4 GB
32 GB
1024 MB
8 GB
64 GB
2048 MB
128 GB
4096 MB
Memory Loading Rules
Memory must be installed in quads (4 DIMMs of equal size)
Memory is available in four densities: 2 GB (4×512MB), 4 GB (4×1024MB), 8 GB
(4×2048MB), and 16 GB (4 x 4096MB)
Minimum memory is 2 GB per cell
Maximum memory per system is 128 GB-using eight 16 GB quads.
On each cell board, Memory Quads must be installed in the following order:
1st (0A, 0B, 1A, 1B), 2nd (2A, 2B, 3A, 3B), 3rd (4A, 4B, 5A, 5B), 4th (6A, 6B, 7A, 7B)
HP 9000 rp7420 Server
DA - 11895 U.S. QuickSpecs — Version 24 — 10/1/2006
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