
Chapter 4
Peripherals and Accessories
HP e3000 Business Servers Configuration Guide – Effective 1/04 4-139
Information Subject to Change
Abbreviation Description
Bps Bits per second
BE Back End
CLUI Command Line User Interface
Cluster For the purposes of this document, a cluster is a configuration using two or more servers with failover capability. For
HP-UX based configurations, this means running ServiceGuard. Windows-based cluster configurations incorporate the
following characteristics: ·Windows Enterprise Edition for NT 4.0; Windows Advanced Server; Data Center Server for
Windows 2000 (currently not released and not defined-this is an issue)
Cluster-Aware Application is aware of cluster environment, informs the user a cluster exists, and provides additional cluster information
Cluster-Safe Application does not prevent a MSCS cluster certification and does not create loss of data in a MSCS cluster environment
Cluster-Supported Application is a transferable resource in a cluster; i.e., if a node in a cluster is taken off-line, the application will failover
automatically to another cluster node.
Data Center Version of Windows 2000 OS that allows clustering of up to four servers.
DR Design Release
ESI Enhanced Serial Interface
ESN Enterprise Storage Network
Fabric Login The name given to the initialization protocol for a device on the Storage Area Network (SAN) fabric with which it is
“logged” into the SAN fabric. The act of “logging” provides the fabric with the required information about the device so
that the device can be accessed and allows the device to access any other “fabric” device on the fabric.
FE Front End
Fsam Federated Storage Area Management
GB Gigabyte(s)
GBIC Gigabyte Interface Connector; plugged into the VA7100 controller to provide the optical interface to the host.
Gbit Gigabit(s) (Note: HP standard says do not abbreviate as Gb.)
GB/s Gigabits per second
GHz Gigahertz
GLM Gigabyte Link Module; generally associated with the HBA and the optical connection.
GUI Graphical User Interface
HBA Host Bus Adapter
HCL Hardware Compatibility List
Heterogeneous Dissimilar, differing in structure and quality
JBOD Storage/RAID Device (just a bunch of disks)
I/O Input/Output
k Kilo (prefix meaning 1,024)
K Kilo (prefix meaning 1,024)
Kbit Kilobit (1,024 bits) (Note: HP standard says do not abbreviate as Kb.)
KB Kilobyte (1,024 bytes)
Kbps Kilobytes per second
LUN Logical Unit Number (virtual disk)
Mbit Megabit
Mb/s Megabits per second
MB Megabyte(s)
MB/s Megabytes per second
Windows MSCS Windows software that coordinates two servers and directs the other server to take over when one fails.
Multi-path aware Ability to have knowledge of multiple paths to the storage device.
Multi-path driver Device driver that masks multiple access paths to a physical device. Ability to switch between paths.
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disk
Remote Management Capability Ability to launch management software from a remote location.
RG Redundancy Group
SAN Storage Area Network
SCSI Small Computer Standard Interface
SDM Storage Device Management
SES SCSI Enclosure Services
ServiceGuard HP-UX software that coordinates two servers and directs the other server to take over when one fails.
SFF Small Form Factor
VA Virtual Array
VAP Virtual Array Controller
WHQL Windows Hardware Quality Lab
WWN World Wide Name
Windows MSCS Microsoft Cluster Server - Windows software that coordinates two servers and directs the other server to take over
when one fails.