
Managing the workstation blade 57
button. To run the last set of tests executed without having to return to the test selection page, click the
Retest button.
The Status tab also displays:
Devices being tested
Tests that are running
Overall elapsed time
Individual elapsed test times
Condition status of each test
Log tab
The Log tab displays two types of logs:
Test LogDisplays all tests that have been executed, number of times the tests were executed,
number of times the tests failed, and the time it took to complete the tests. To clear the contents of the
Test Log, click the Clear Test Log button.
Error LogDisplays the tests that have failed during diagnostic testing. In addition to displaying the
devices and tests, this section can also include error details. The description section describes the
errors found by the diagnostic tests. To view a recommended action to resolve an error, click the
Recommended Repair button. The error count is the number of times the test has failed. To clear
contents of the Error Log, click the Clear Error Log button.
Help tab
The Help tab has three views:
HP Insight DiagnosticsProvides introductory and detailed information about Insight Filed
Error CodesProvides error code listings, including device tested, messages, and recommended
repair information.
Test ComponentsReloads and refreshes all components and displays component details after the
The Help tab provides the following options:
ReloadLocated in the upper-right corner of the display, this selection reloads all hardware
AboutProvides Insight Diagnostics revision details.
ExitLocated in the lower-left corner of the screen, this selection provides the option to exit
Saving and printing information in HP Insight Diagnostics
You can save information displayed in the HP Insight Diagnostics Status and Log tabs to a diskette or USB
2.0 drive key (64MB or higher). You cannot save this information to the hard drive. The system
automatically creates an html file that looks the same as the information displayed on the screen.
1. Insert a diskette or USB 2.0 drive key (capacity must be 64MB or higher). USB 1.0 drive keys are
not supported.