GR2000 Installation Guide
2-36 GR2K-GA-1002
Rev 6.03
2.4.5 Power Supply Unit (POW)
The POW receives externally-sourced input power and generates stable direct voltage
current (5V, 3.3V, 12V, and 24V) for the router. For input power, GR2000-2S and
GR2000-4S can receive 100 or 200 VAC (50/60 Hz); GR2000-6H and GR2000-10H
can receive 100 or 200 VAC (50/60 Hz), or –48 or –60VDCifDCinputpoweroption
is installed; GR2000-20H can receive 200 VAC (50/60 Hz), or –48 or –60 VDC if DC
input power option is installed.
In any power supply that is duplicable, the external power supply cables are
independent, thus duplication is possible in the external power supply system. For
the configuration of each power supply module, please refer to the "Facility plan".
The power supply configuration and specific POW model name vary depending on the
GR2000 models as shown below.
2.4.6 CPU Fan
The CPU fan, located on the RM-CPU board of the BCU has a life expectancy of
100,000 hours of operation.
2.4.7 Main Storage Card (MS)
The router uses two different capacities of memory cards: the MS64 with 64 MB is
used on the BCU and RP, while the MS128 with 128 MB on the BCU only.
2.4.8 Flash Memory Card (MC)
The router uses two different capacities of flash memory cards: 30 MB MC30 and 64
MB MC64. Either card stores the software, configuration files, and log information.
Table 2-6 PS model name for each device
Device cabinet
supply type
PS model name Duplication
GR2000-2S AC100V PS is built in cabinet.
GR2000-4S AC100V POW-S100S Duplication by using two POW-S100S.
GR2000-6H AC100V POW-H100H Duplication by using two POW-H100H.
DC-48V POW-HDCH Duplication by using two POW-HDCH.
GR2000-10H AC100V POW-M100H --
POW-M100HA Redundancy mechanism for POW-M100H
AC200V POW-M200H --
POW-M200HA Redundancy mechanism for POW-M200H
POW-MDCHA Redundancy mechanism for POW-MDCH
GR2000-20H AC200V POW-L200H --
POW-L200HA Redundancy mechanism for POW-L200H
POW-LDCHA Redundancy mechanism for POW-LDCH