Function Name Size Unit
0x2445 A045 Output voltage gain
1 1.%
0x2545 A245 Output voltage gain,2nd motor
1 1.%
0x2446 A046 I-SLV Voltage compensate gain
2 1.%
0x2546 A246 I-SLV Voltage compensate gain, 2nd motor
2 1.%
0x2447 A047 I-SLV Slip compensate gain
2 1.%
0x2547 A247 I-SLV Slip compensate gain,2nd motor
2 1.%
0x2451 A051 DC braking enable
1 -
0x2452 A052 DC braking frequency setting
2 0.1Hz
0x2453 A053 DC braking wait time
1 1.0
0x2454 A054 DC braking during decelerating
1 1.
0x2455 A055 DC braking time for deceleration
2 0.1Hz
0x2456 A056 DC braking enable input signal edge/level selection
1 -
0x2461 A061 1st frequency upper limit setting
2 0.1Hz
0x2561 A261 2nd frequency upper limit setting
2 0.1Hz
0x2462 A062 1st frequency upper limit setting
2 0.1Hz
0x2562 A262 2nd frequency upper limit setting
2 0.1Hz
0x2463 A063 Jump frequency1
2 0.1Hz
0x2464 A064 Jump frequency Width 1
2 0.1Hz
0x2465 A065 Jump frequency2
2 0.1Hz
0x2466 A066 Jump frequency Width 2
2 0.1Hz
0x2467 A067 Jump frequency3
2 0.1Hz
0x2468 A068 Jump frequency Width 3
2 0.1Hz
0x2471 A071 PID enable
1 -
0x2472 A072 PID-P gain
1 0.1
0x2473 A073 PID-I gain
2 0.1
0x2474 A074 PID-D gain
2 0.01
0x2475 A075 PID scale
2 0.01
0x2476 A076 PID feedback selection
1 -
0x2477 A077 Reverse PID
1 -
0x2478 A078 PID Output limiter
2 0.1%
0x2481 A081 AVR selection
1 -
0x2482 A082 Motor voltage selection
2 1.V
0x2492 A092 Acceleration time2
4 0.01sec
0x2592 A292 Acceleration time2(2nd motor)
4 0.01sec
0x2493 A093 Deceleration time2
4 0.01sec
0x2593 A293 Deceleration time2(2nd motor)
4 0.01sec
0x2494 A094 Select method to switch to Acc2/Dcc2 profile
1 -
0x2594 A294
Select method to switch to Acc2/Dcc2 profile
(2nd motor) 1 -
0x2495 A095 Acc1 to Acc2 frequency transition point
2 0.1Hz
0x2595 A295 Acc1 to Acc2 frequency transition point(2nd motor)
2 0.1Hz
0x2496 A096 Dcc1 to Dcc2 frequency transition point
2 0.1Hz
0x2596 A296 Dcc1 to Dcc2 frequency transition point(2nd motor)
2 0.1Hz
0x2497 A097 Acceleration curve selection
1 -
0x2498 A098 Deceleration curve selection
1 -