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Charging Options
When the battery is installed in the terminal, you can insert the terminal into any one of the following
peripherals to charge the main battery pack:
• Dolphin HomeBase Device (see page 9-1)
• Dolphin ChargeBase Device (see page 11-1)
• One of the charging cables (see page 12-1)
To fully charge the li-ion battery outside the terminal, use one of the following:
• Dolphin QuadCharger Device (see page 10-1)
• Auxiliary Battery Well of the Dolphin HomeBase device
Charge Time
A completely discharged li-ion battery pack requires four(4) hours to charge to full capacity. Subsequent
charge times vary according to the charge level of the battery pack when charging begins.
The li-ion battery packs that ship with Dolphin terminals are completely discharged of power. Therefore,
charge the main battery pack for a minimum of four(4) hours prior to using the terminal on battery power.
Internal Backup Battery
Located inside the terminal, the backup battery is a 3.6V nickel metal hydride (NiMH) battery.
The internal backup battery prevents the terminal from being reset when you remove the main battery
pack. The backup battery retains RAM data and allows the real-time clock to remain operational for up to
30 minutes. If the terminal is left without the main battery pack for more than 30 minutes, the internal
backup battery discharges and needs to be recharged to function according to specifications.
Note: Even if the internal backup battery fails, data and programs stored in Flash memory are not totally lost, but
the terminal does automatically cold boot when you install a fully charged battery pack and you need to reset
the real-time clock.
The internal backup battery charges off the main battery pack and requires eight(8) hours charge time to
backup RAM data for 30 minutes. You can begin using the Dolphin terminal after charging the main
battery for four(4) hours; however, the internal backup battery will continue to charge off the main battery.
To ensure that the internal backup battery functions properly, maintain a consistent power supply for the
first eight(8) hours of terminal operation. This power supply can be external power (using a charging
peripheral) or an installed, charged battery pack or a combination of both.
Follow these guidelines to maximize the life of the terminal’s internal backup battery:
• Keep a charged Li-ion battery pack in the terminal.
• Keep the Dolphin terminal connected to a power source when the terminal is not in use.
Managing Battery Power
Data and files saved on the Dolphin terminal may be stored in RAM memory; therefore, maintain a
continuous power supply to the terminal to help prevent data loss. When you remove a battery pack, insert
another charged battery pack in the Dolphin terminal. If the main battery pack is low, insert the terminal
into a charging peripheral to power the terminal and begin recharging the battery.
Note: If the main battery is low and the terminal is in suspend mode, pressing the SCAN trigger does not wake the
Dolphin terminal; you must replace the discharged battery with a fully charged battery.