1/4 Size 324 x 224 (324 x 259)
1/9 Size 216 x 149 (216 x 173)
1/16 Size 162 x 112 (162 x 129)
4/9 Size 432 x 298 (432 x 346)
9/16 Size 486 x 336 (486 x 387)
VCR Out (full) 720 x 480 (720 x 576)
Spot Out analog
Gray Scale 256 levels
Main Display 64Mbit SDRAM
VCR Output 64M/16Mbit SDRAM
Full 60
PIP format (Main) 60
PIP format (inset) 60
Squish 60
Split format (1_2 cameras) 60
Split format (3-16 cameras) 60/number of cameras
Zoom 60
Spot Out 60
VCR Out (depends on field delay) 60 max
Priority Mode (major) 60
Priority Mode (minor) 30/Number of Cameras
Triplex (Live & Playback at same time)
Full Sequence
Cameo Sequence (any 1 position) Split or PIP mode
Page Sequence (2x2) Squish,4-way, 9-way
Freeze All
Freeze One Camera
Camera Assign
Priority Assign (1 cam only)
Sampling Standard
Video Memory
Refresh Rate (fields/sec.)
Display Options