TheLCR4-ID and LCR40-ID use a special and very unique liquid crystal display.
Ordinary LCD's have two colors-black and white. The black color, as was explained
earlier, is made by blocking the light that comes into the display.
The LCR4-ID and LCR40ID add a third color, red, by using a second layer on the
display. If you look closely you will see that the red image is slightly above the black
image. You will also notice that the red image is transparent, that is, you can see
through it to the black and white image. This new display gives your unit the ability to
display more information than ordinary two-color units:
1. Objects at least three inches off the bottom are displayed in red. The bottom
and structure attached to the bottom are displayed in black. The electronics in the
LCR4-lDand LCR40-ID can separate the bottom from objects at least three inches off
the bottom no matter what depth range you are viewing. This means that fish close to
the bottom will be easily seen on the LCR (see Figure 2). These same fish would be
missed on an ordinary display because they would just look like part of the bottom.
2. Strong signals are displayed with a red dot over a black dot. The electronics
can separate the strong fish echoes from the weaker fish echoes. This means that you
will be able to find the bigger fish because they will be displayed with a red and black
dot, making it easy to separate them from the weaker returns displayed in red only. You
will notice a slight pink tint on the display. This is due to the additional layer on the LCD.