Digital Thermostat Installation in RV HVAC Systems
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There was a thread on another BBS by Alan Paskey about his installation of a Hunter Digital
Thermostat for his A/C and heat... I have been wanting to do this for some time now and finally
got around to going over to "Wally World" (Wal Mart) and buying the thermostat and "getting off
my duff" and installing it!!!
I installed it yesterday... Unfortunately, I have a Dometic (Duo Therm) ducted A/C unit and
Atwood Furnace and Alan Paskey's unit was a Coleman... His wiring documentation DID NOT
work for me... I spent the better part of the day figuring out how the Dometic contact closures
worked and then another few hours doing the same for the digital thermostat and marrying the
two together...
The digital thermostat is a Hunter - Part #42995 and is $19.95 at "Wally World" (Wal Mart)...
The advantage to the digital thermostat is tighter hysterisis (+/- 1 degree of temperature change
yields "turn on" or "turn off"), a digital temperature readout, and no guesswork about where
temperature is set for your particular "comfort zone"...
The Hunter Thermostat runs on 2 AA pen cells which are NOT supplied... I would suggest you
carry spares as well, for if the batteries go dead, so does your thermostat (AND A/C and Heat)!!!
The following documentation will apply ONLY to my particular Dometic type A/C unit and
Atwood furnace although it should work on other similar Dometic systems and possibly other
manufacturers as well... As previously mentioned,
Alan's wiring documentation (his was a Coleman) DID NOT work on my unit, so bare in mind
that some wiring changes may be necessary to make the Hunter Digital thermostat function
properly with your particular system if they are different than the two referenced within this
Duo Therm
OEM Wire Color
used in trailer
Hunter stat terminal
Ground Black or green "RC"
Fan Orange or Tan "G"
Cool Yellow "Y"
Ground Black or Green "RH"
Furnace White "W"
High Fan Blue Thru SPST switch
to "G" (Tan)
Red +7.5 volts DC not used