Digital Thermostat Installation in RV HVAC Systems
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Hunter thermostat Heating System Selector switch set to "HG"... "F/C" selector switch to "F" ...
Note that both the Hunter "RC" and "RH" terminals have the ground lead connected to them... I
fashioned a jumper wire from one terminal to another... BOTH these terminals are grounded
from the same point in my installation...
This setup worked very well for me last night... I will continue to test but I believe this wiring
documentation is correct for Dometic/Atwood...
The Hunter Thermostat has two fan positions - "Auto" and "ON" which enables you to run the
fan only, if desired, in the A/C mode only...
I used a Radio Shack subminiature DPDT slide switch for the "High Fan" function... I cut out a
little notch in the upper right hand corner of the back of the Hunter thermostat and mounted the
switch there with the supplied "very tiny" screws... The Radio Shack part number for this switch
is 275-407 ... I had this switch in my "junque box" of electronic components for quite a few years
so I don't know if they still make it, but any switch will work... Actually you only need a SPST but
this is what I had so I used it...
Additionally, I kept all of the standard thermostat leads (OEM red wire is not used with Hunter)
just in case the Hunter fails and I have to switch back to the Duo Therm... The Duo Therm
thermostat is in the TT and can be reinstalled in just minutes if necessary...
For those with a Coleman setup, I also have the original article for the Coleman written by Alan
Paskey and the wiring directions associated with it... The text of Alan's article is shown below
and was used for Alan's Coleman setup...
Good Luck and Best Regards,
The Hunter Digital Thermostat was installed in my 27' Nomad travel trailer in the Spring of this
year(2001)... We used the TT all year long utilizing both the heating mode and cooling mode...
The Hunter performed quite well coming "on" at 1 degree above set point and going "off" at 1
degree below set point...
Although this is actually a 3 degree range as opposed to the advertised +/- 1 degree,
theoretically, it is within the spec of +/- 1 degree (of set point) and the Hunter operates much
better than the standard Duo Therm analog thermostat...
This is a great modification to make if your dissatisfied with the hysterisis (on/off ratio) of your
current thermostat... I find the digital much easier to use because you simply set the desired
temperature... With the OEM Duo Therm analog thermostat that came with the TT, you had to
play with the "temp set arm" until you found the most comfortable setting while trying to
"interpolate" the temperature marks on the thermostat... The hysterisis of the Duo Therm
thermostat seemed to be larger than the Hunter... It was not uncommon to be either too hot or
too cold while waiting for the old thermostat to kick on or off... The temperature range within the
trailer is much more comfortable using the Hunter digital thermostat...