TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ..................................................................................................
There is no display. Check AC power wiring. Correct any errors.
The display reads “ERR”. Electrical noise is entering the system. Check the SmartPort
wiring harness.
If the wires were extended then they will
need to be replaced with shielded cable.
Contact your local distributor for
information on shielded cable
The display reads “P ERR”. There is a ground fault in the wire to the Check the master valve or pump start
pump start or master valve. wire for continuity. Replace or repair the
broken wire. Check that all wire
connections are good and water tight.
The display reads a station number There has been a ground fault with the wire Check the station wire for continuity.
and ERR, such as “2 ERR”. leading to that station. Replace or repair broken wire. Check
that all wire connections are good
and water tight.
The display reads “NO AC”. There is no AC power present. Check to see if the transformer is
properly installed.
The display reads “SEN OFF”. The rain sensor is interrupting irrigation Slide the Rain Sensor switch on front
or not installed. panel to the OFF position to bypass rain
sensor circuit.
The Controller does not start Potential user programming error. Check to make sure start time is entered
automatically. correctly (note AM/PM setting as well).
Check to make sure watering day is active.