Cab or Crew Area
1. Flip Main switch to ON
2. Rotate
Comfort Control
knob approximately 75% of full travel clock wise.
3. When temperature in the heated area is satisfactory rotate
Comfort Control
counter clock wise until a "click" is felt in the knob. Now the cabin temperature is set.
Comfort Control
will maintain the current temperature. Some adjusting will be
necessary until the "perfect" setting is reached.
Cargo or Beverage
1. Flip Main switch to ON
2. Rotate
Comfort Control
knob approximately 50% of full travel clock wise.
3. If using calibrated room thermostat, set it to the desired setting. If this thermostat is
to control the heater then set the
Comfort Control
to the lowest setting.
4. Adjust, as necessary to maintain desired temperature.
The heater will run as long as fuel and power are supplied to it. If the supply
voltage is below 9.0VDC when the heater is started then it will go into fault mode. (See
fault codes)
As long as the green light is on and the red light is not blinking, the heater is
ready to run.
1. Flip Main switch to OFF. The green indicator light should go out immediately.
2. The heater will go into a 60 second postpurge, then shut off.
3. The
Comfort Control
does not have to be turned down. It is recommended for ease
of operation that you set it and forget it.