Product notice requirements
The following notice applies to machines equipped with both a DVD and a
TV-out function:
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by
method claims of certain U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights owned by
Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection
technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation and is intended for home
and other limited viewing use only, unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision
Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.
Environmental notices for Japan
Collecting and recycling a disused ThinkPad computer
If you are a company employee and need to dispose of a ThinkPad computer
that is the property of the company, you must do so in accordance with the
Waste Disposal Law. The computer is categorized as industrial waste
containing iron, glass, plastics, and other materials. It should be properly
disposed of by an industrial waste disposal contractor certified by a local
For details, visit the IBM Web site at www.ibm.com/jp/pc/recycle/pc
If you use a ThinkPad computer at home and need to dispose of it, you must
comply with local ordinances and regulations.
Disposing of a ThinkPad computer component containing heavy metal
The printed circuit board of a ThinkPad computer contains heavy metal.
(Soldering with lead is used on the printed circuit board.) To properly dispose
of the disused printed circuit board, follow the instructions in Collecting and
recycling a disused ThinkPad computer.
Disposing of a disused lithium battery
A button-shaped lithium battery is installed on the system board of your
ThinkPad computer to back up the main battery.
If you want to replace it with a new one, contact your place of purchase or
ask for a repair service provided by IBM. If you have replaced it by yourself
and want to dispose of the disused lithium battery, insulate it with vinyl tape,
contact your place of purchase, and follow the instructions. You can also see
the instructions at www.ibm.com/jp/pc/recycle/battery
68 ThinkPad
G40 Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide