Microstepping MForce PowerDrive Manual Revision R032008
SE CT IO N 2. 5
Connecting SPI Communications
Connecting the SPI Interface
The SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is the com-
munications and configuration interface.
For prototyping we recommend the purchase
of the parameter setup cable MD-CC300-000.
If using the Microstepping MForce PowerDrive
with the 10-Pin IDC on P2, this cable will plug
directly into the P2 Connector.
If using the model with a 12-Pin Locking Wire
Crimp connector, adapters are available to
interface the parameter setup cable to P1.
For more information on prototype development cables, please see Appendix: Prototype Development Cables.
SPI Signal Overview
+5 VDC (Output)
This output is a voltage supply for the setup cable only. It is not designed to power any external devices.
SPI Clock
The Clock is driven by the Master and regulates the flow of the data bits. The Master may transmit data at a
variety of baud rates. The Clock cycles once for each bit that is transferred.
Logic Ground
This is the ground for all Communications.
MISO (Master In/Slave Out)
Carries output data from the Microstepping MForce PowerDrive units back to the SPI Master. Only one
MForce PowerDrive can transmit data during any particular transfer.
CS (SPI Chip Select)
This signal is used to turn multiple Microstepping MForce PowerDrive units on or off.
MOSI (Master Out/Slave In)
Carries output data from the SPI Master to the Microstepping MForce PowerDrive.
Figure 2.5.1: MD-CC300-000 Parameter Setup Cable