
9. Repeat the procedure and verify the adjustments are correct.
Adjust Offset and Gain for 0 to 10 Volt RangeAdjust Offset and Gain for 0 to 10 Volt Range
1. Verify the termination panel is attached to the 50-pin connector of a UDAS unit. Begin with
step 2 if the unit has built-in termination.
2. Attach a voltage calibrator to channel 0 with all of the other channels grounded.
3. Run a program to configure the UDAS for a range of 0-10 V and a gain of 1.
4. Set the calibrated input to 0.02441 V.
5. Set SYSCHECK or other program to average 50 readings. Manually or automatically take
readings repeatedly.
6. Adjust Pot R38 for 0.02441 V.
7. Set the calibrated input to 9.97558 V.
8. Adjust Pot R45 for 9.7558 V.
9. Repeat steps 4 through 8. There will be a very slight interaction in these adjustments.
10. After calibrating the unit, slide the unit’s cover back on and refasten the front panel using the
screws removed earlier.
Note: These adjustment steps are very interactive and may require
several iterations.
Note: On all adjustments there will be a range of adjustment that results in the proper
reading. Determine this range and leave the adjustment in the center of the range.